Average Wait | Bamboo Chutes | BATMAN™: The Ride | Bermuda Triangle | Big Bender | Boomerang Coast to Coaster | Bucking Broncos | Bugs’ White Water Rapids | Crow’s Nest | Daffy’s Bus Stop | Fiesta Texas Railroad | Fireball | Foghorn Leghorn’s Barnyard Railway | Goliath | The Gully Washer | Hurricane Force 5 | Hustler | Iron Rattler | BATGIRL™: Coaster Chase | Kinderstein | THE PENGUIN™: Gotham City Getaway | Lone Star Lagoon | Pandemonium | Paradise Cove | Paradise Plunge | Poltergeist | Riptide Runner | Road Runner Express | Scream! | SUPERGIRL™ Sky Flight | Spinsanity | Splash Water Springs | SUPERMAN™ KRYPTON Coaster | Taz’s Tornado | Texas Treehouse | Texas Tumble | Grand Carousel | Thunder Rapids | Tornado | Typhoon Twister | POISON IVY™ Toxic Spin | Wave Runner | DC™ Super-Villains Swing | Whirlpool | White Water Canyon | WONDER WOMAN™ Golden Lasso Coaster | Yosemite Sam Wacky Wagons | GREEN LANTERN™ Emerald Flight | JOKER™: Carnival of Chaos | Dare Devil Dive Flying Machines | Pirates of the Deep Sea | Dr. Diabolical’s Cliffhanger | KID FLASH™ Cosmic Coaster | Ripqurl Racer | Circuit Breaker Grand Prix – Electric Go-Karts | DC™ Universe | Stingray | Vortex | Bonzai Pipeline | Cowabunga | Wipeout | CYBORG: Cyber Revolution | SHAZAM!™: Tower of Eternity | METROPOLIS Transit Authority | The Houngan House of Voodoo | Mardi Gras Parade: Spectacle of Color | Mardi’s Craft Corner | Bonzai Pipeline | Cowabunga | Wipeout | CYBORG™: Cyber Revolution | SHAZAM™: Tower of Eternity | METROPOLIS™ Transit Authority | NEW! – Rockville’s Festival of Fright | NEW! – The Conjuring Universe | NEW! – Stranger Things | Spooky Town: Trick or Treat Trail | Family Friendly Haunt – House of Curiosities | NEW! – Dia De Los Muertos | Bonzai Pipeline | Cowabunga | Wipeout | CYBORG™: Cyber Revolution | SHAZAM™: Tower of Eternity | METROPOLIS™ Transit Authority |
3000+ Hour Wait For The Joker! The line wraps around the park 3 times!
Road runner is packeddddd. Iron rattler had an issue with the attraction after waiting in line forever we. Just left.
Super Man was 5 minute wait. Everything else has been 20-40 minutes
very crowded, very long lines
On 6/10/21 the wait times were 0-5 mins from opening until around noon. After lunch, the wait time increased to about 10 mins. By 4, the biggest rides had about a 15 minute wait. Perfect day to go! No fast pass needed!!
Six flags is full of shit! Its packed AF here no social distancing at all. Lines are long as fuck bc they want to pretend they are following covid guidelines. Seriously I was next to all these people for 3 hrs waiting for the joker but then they want to separate us by having 2 empty seats between groups ok makes a lot of sense.
No ones here. No waits for anything I’ve been on.
In this hot Texas sun, waiting in line (with no shade) for 30+ minutes is a guaranteed tan and/or sunburn. Best days to come are weekdays when everyone is at work.
Crowds are kinda swelled but surprisingly the lines aren’t too congested. 15-20 minute wait for rides. Half the people might be at the water park though.
Getting packed and just opened